Podiatry Treatment
Podiatry (also known as chiropody) is a healthcare profession that focuses on the lower extremity, with particular attention to foot and ankle disorders. Our Podiatrist in Hampstead diagnoses, treats and manages foot conditions using chemical, physical, mechanical and surgical therapies.
The average adult takes between 4000 and 6000 steps per day and walks the equivalent of five times around the world in their lifetime. Therefore your feet deserve some extra special attention especially if you suffer with foot or joint pain.
During the initial consultation a full medical history will be taken and the podiatrist will need to know of any medication that you are taking. Prior to treatment a full assessment of your feet will be carried out and a treatment plan discussed.
Podiatry treatments available
Nail Care
Onychogryphotic nails are thickened and deformed. They can commonly be the result of trauma. These nails can be treated in order for them to become more aesthetically pleasing with a reduced thickness.
Corns and Calluses
Ingrown Toe Nails
Plantar Warts / Verrucae
Diabetic Foot Assessments
Musculoskeletal Podiatry/Biomechanics
‘Biomechanics’ is the study of how living things move, with a specific interest in how human-beings walk, run and stand. Musculoskeletal Podiatry is a clinical discipline that provides treatments to help manage problems which occur when a person is walking, standing or running. This usually means that an area of the foot or leg has become painful. Sometimes another clinical specialist or a sports coach might also notice a fault which might not be painful but that may be involved with an on-going condition or loss of performance. Musculoskeletal Podiatrists assess their patients against various models of ‘normal’ function and can help correct any problems that they find.
For more information visit ORTHOTICS page.
Podiatry Treatments 30 minutes – £70
Full biomechanical report – £150